Purchased in 1949 by the city of Spencer, the truck arrived here in Spencer in May of 1949 on rail from Columbus Ohio. The Purchase price was $18,751. With its original engine, it still drives under its own power to parades and other community events.

2002 75 Foot Quint Aerial Ladder
1500 Gallon Per Minute pumper with 400 Gallons of Water. The name quint is Latin, meaning five, and refers to the five functions that a quint provides: pump, water tank, fire hose, aerial device, and ground ladders. Carries 6 firefighters reaches heights up to 6 stories.

1991 Smeal
1250 Gallon Per Minute Pumper with 750 Gallons of water. Carries 6 firefighters and responds to rural and all city calls.

2015 Smeal
1500 Gallon Per Minute Pumper with 1000 Gallons of water. Carries 6 firefighters, Jaws of Life, responds to rural and all city calls, and responds with Spencer Hospital Paramedics to emergency ambulance calls in Spencer.

2008 Smeal
1500 Gallon Per Minute Pumper with 1000 Gallons of water. Carries 6 firefighters, Jaws of Life, responds to all city and, can respond to rural contract calls.

Chevy Tahoe Command Vehicle
This vehicle is used primarily by the fire chief and is used for rapid response for scene size up, and also used as an Incident Commander post.

2001 Ford Rescue Truck
Carries 5 firefighters and has heavy rescue equipment, jaws of life, confined space equipment and , medical supplies and equipment. This truck is also equipped for high and low angle rope rescue.

Grass Rig
1998 ¾ Ton Ford pickup. Carries a crew of 4 firefighters with a 200-gallon tank and is used for wildland fires and races at the Clay County Speedway.

2012 Kawasaki Mule and trailer
Kawasaki Mule is used for search & rescue and wildland fires along with rescue support at the Clay County Speedway!